How to tell if amethyst is real?
Well,there are several ways to tell,let’s go gentle ways first then destructive ways.

Real amethyst is variations in the color.Color ranges from deep purple to very light purple which almost looks white,it won’t be consistent.While color of fake amethyst is always pretty even all throughout.

Inside the real amethyst,you will see inclusions,cloudness or little cracks instead of air bubbles.

Crystals are cold to the touch.They will be cold even in the summer,place amethyst on your face to see if it’s cold.If it is not,then it’s fake.

If it’s cold but you still don’t believe it,then let’s go to the next steps…the destructive ways…
4)Fire test.
Light amethyst on fire.Real amethyst doesn’t melt.While fake amethyst made of plastic will melt very soon,and then you smell plastic.

5)Hardness test.
Also called Scratch test.amethyst on the mohs scale it’s a 7 out of 10,pretty tough.We can check its hardness by scratching amethyst using a steel knife.It’s real if nothing happens.Or we can try scratching glass or glass bottles with amethyst,it’s fake if it left a white streak on the glass/bottles.

There is another way to test,Price comparison.
Find the same crystals in similar quality which are selling online in different stores,and compare the prices with the ones you have.If it’s way too cheap,then it maybe fake.Why we said MAYBE?
It is real and cheap if you bought it from Bling Gemstone (^_-)